For our January #radonc journal club we will revisit palliative radiation for bone metastasis. In our first journal club, we reviewed how infrequently single fraction treatment is used. Many have had reservation about treating the spine in particular. On Sunday January 17th, we will discuss a retrospective study from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute on palliative radiation for uncomplicated spine metastases:
The lead author, Dr. Tai-Chung Lam, will join us to discuss at the live journal club Sunday January 17th at 8-9 PM Central Standard Time. We will focus on differences in the incidence of serious adverse events (SAEs) affecting the treated spine after palliative radiation, the endpoint evaluated in this study. We will cover the following topics during that hour:
T1a. What is the role of radiation to palliate spinal metastases?
T1b. What is the current controversy over using single vs. multiple fractions (treatments) for the spine?
T2. What is the aim of this study, and how was it designed to address that aim?
T3. How do this study’s findings fit into the existing literature on radiation outcomes for bone metastases?
T4. What do the study results suggest for clinical practice and future research on bone metastases?
Open discussion and chat for the journal club starts before the live hour with Dr. Lam at 6 AM Central Standard Time.
Thanks to Katherine Bennett, the article is freely available until Monday 1/18.
Any suggestions? Leave a comment or tweet us at @Rad_Nation. And please join us next week!