Currently, Radiation Nation is designed to allow multiple authors to post articles under a variety of topics. You can use the horizontal menu to find content by disease, scope of care, or author.
On given any piece, you can share your experience, knowledge and questions by commenting. Please see our principles and community guidelines for more about commenting. The more conversation, the more likely we get better solutions to cancer care. As this website develops, we will try to figure out how to give you credit for your contributions.
If you like a particular article, please consider sharing it. Tell your colleagues or friends, or use the buttons to share on Twitter, Facebook or other social media platforms.
If you think we aren’t covering a certain topic enough, maybe you would like to write your own posts. Please let us know if you want to be an author for Radiation Nation.
Our hope is to eventually add space for collaborations with crowdsourced projects. With your help, our goal is to create projects that improve patient safety, communication and the quality of treatment. Any ideas on how to take this next step are welcome!