Most women with breast cancer want to preserve their breasts but if additional surgery is required, cosmetic outcomes worsen. Please join us for the July journal club to discuss:
A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Cavity Shave Margins in Breast Cancer
Dr. Anees Chagpar of Yale’s Smilow Cancer Center led this prospective trial of breast conserving surgery in 235 breast cancer patients. She just presented results at ASCO’s annual meeting with publication in the New England Journal of Medicine. Please follow her on Twitter for the conversation Friday July 17 6 AM CST through the live chat Sunday 7/19 8-9 PM CST.
Here are the topics we’ll be covering:
T1: What is the role of breast conserving surgery in the treatment of breast cancer?
T2a: What were the aim and design of this study?
T2b: Can you explain how shave margins are performed and should be interpreted to determine the adequacy of margin status?
T3a: What were the key endpoints that shave margins affected for cancer control and cosmetic outcome?
T3b: What are the strengths and limitations of this study?
T4: What are future directions for adoption of newer techniques in breast conservation therapy?
The article is free at New England Journal of Medicine for you to read.
We look forward to having you join us next weekend!