Welcome to the first organized radiation oncology chat on Twitter. We are starting with a journal club, and our first article is:
Pubmed ID: 25035213
The lead author, Dr. Robert Olson, will be joining us for the live chat, scheduled Sunday 8/17 at 8PM Central Standard Time. You can follow him on Twitter at @DrOlsonOncology.
You can share any thoughts you have about the article from now until the end of our live chat. Use topics that the moderators will help focus the discussion along with Dr. Olson:
T1. What is the role of RT in treating bone mets?
T2. What was the purpose of this study?
T3. Were the results of this study surprising?
T4. What have we learned about improving palliative care for our patients?
We would love your participation.
Thank you in advance for joining us on our first journal club! Do you have any questions? If you have any suggestions on improvements, let us know.