It’s been a difficult and traumatic year by any measure. But for all the trials and tribulations of 2020 it has seen some pretty impressive global co-operation and we have cherished and been thankful for our connections to our worldwide #radonc community.
To mark the end of the year we thought we change the usual format of our journal club and instead celebrate our specialty which quietly marked its’ 125 anniversary this year.
For 25 days in December we will be putting out 5 tweets a day marking important landmarks in the history of radiotherapy treatment – culminating in the present day on December 25th. We are not medical historians just Rad Oncs armed with Google and an interest. The list is not definitive or exhaustive – things will be missed off and some events may be given greater importance than you feel that they deserve – but hey, it’s only a list.
The ‘One tweet per year’ format means that details may be slim but you can supplement that over on our Wakelet.
Please join in the conversation and add any tweets or observations and we will try to collate those all into a bigger history over on our Wakelet page.
And whatever kind of 2020 you’ve had we hope you’re safe, we thank you for your part in our community and look forward to engaging with you again in 2021.